Lehigh Valley Greenways

2025 LV Greenways Mini Grant Application Round Now Open

Lehigh Valley Greenways - Apply for a Mini Grant

Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini Grants

The 2025 Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini Grant Round will open on Tuesday, Feb. 4  and close on Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 4:00pm.

The Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape Mini Grant Program is a reimbursement grant program funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and administered by the Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (DLNHC). The purpose is to inspire collaborative, strategic approaches to regional conservation and/or outdoor recreation opportunities and to implement ready-to-go, single-year projects that protect and promote the natural resources of the Lehigh Valley, advancing the four goals of Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape.

Interested applicants should review the 2025_ LVGMiniGrantInstructions for eligibility and funding priorities before completing an application.


Step 1 – Budget and Attachments

First you need to download our 2025-LVG-Mini-Grant-Budget-Templateand fill it out (instructions included on first Excel tab). Save the completed form to attach to the application later. Also, save electronic copies of any supporting documents for your application (letters of match commitment, letters of support, maps/diagrams, photos, cost estimates).

Step 2 – Application Form

Fill out this application form. We encourage you to answer every question. Attach your completed budget table and any other attachments that will strengthen your application then click SUBMIT. TO PREVENT DATA LOSS, we strongly encourage you to type your answers in a word document to be sure you have everything read and saved then transfer them all into the boxes when you’re ready. Here is a LVG Mini Grant Application, 2025.  

Problems or questions, contact Brit Kondravy, Conservation Coordinator/Lehigh Valley Greenways Co-Lead, at 610-923-3548 ext 225.


Important Note for Lehigh Valley Greenways mini grants: All projects and project related costs must conform to the guidelines outlined in the PA DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Program

**REMEMBER to attach Letters of Support and Letters of Commitment for local match, and drawings, plans, specifications, maps, cost estimates, or photos, if applicable.