Detailed Itinerary for Wednesday, October 12th
9:15 – 9:30am | Arrival
- Coffee and tea provided. Travel mugs encouraged.
- Address: 1922 Flint Hill Farm Rd. Coopersburg PA 18036
- Directions
9:30-11:30am | Tour Flint Hill Farm with Owner and Operator Kathy Fields
- Flint Hill Farm’s mission is to bridge the gap between the urban/suburban community and the 26-acre preserved farm in Lehigh County, PA. This multifaceted agro-educational facility is actively expanding its programs to meet the educational and nutritional needs of the rapidly growing region and promote the awareness of being good stewards of our land, water, and air.
- The Flint Hill Farm is a for-profit farm and the Flint Hill Farm Educational Center is a nonprofit center for learning. The for-profit farm is part of the Pennsylvania Farm Stay program. The facility is the only working farm in the Lehigh Valley with School to Farm courses supporting the PA Department of Education’s ‘Agriculture & Society’ curriculum.
- Site offers 6 acres of wooded paths, 20 acres of pastures for our sheep, goats, cows and assorted gardens planted with herbs, flowers and vegetables, and additionally, a greenhouse, community garden, honeybee hives. During certain seasons, the Draft horse teams of the Educational Center provide “horse power” to the everyday work of the farm.
- Flint Hill Farm Educational Center Coopersburg, PA (
11:30am- 11:45am | Visit onsite farm store
- A Certified Raw milk dairy provides goat and cow milk for the Flint Hill Farm Educational Center’s sale of both pasteurize and raw milk and pasteurized added-value products of artisan cheese, fresh butter and yogurt.
- Shop | Flint Hill Farm (
12 – 1pm | LVG Meeting/Lunch and Learn with Special Guest Speaker Diane Matthews-Gehringer, Director of Farmland Preservation for Lehigh County
- Will take place onsite, inside Farmhouse.
- Farm-fresh platter of artisan bread and cheese will be provided, but please bring a bagged lunch.