Here is a selection of photos to show off the work of Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape and celebrate the partnership that protects and preserves our natural resources. For more photos and exciting updates follow Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape on Facebook.
Over 100 mini grant projects have been funded through Lehigh Valley Greenways since 2004. Here are photos provided by the grantees of the most recent projects completed. Find past projects near you with the interactive mini grant map!
Upper Mt Bethel Twp (grantee) installed a connector trail and wetland observation deck in the community park and worked with Landscaping for Communities and Wildlife program to plant native flowers, shrubs and trees along the trail.
Monocacy Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited (grantee) partnered with Wildlands Conservancy to restore a degraded section of Monocacy Creek.
N. Whitehall Twp (grantee) and Ironton Rail Trail Commission built a 600 ft trail extension from the existing IRT to the N. Whitehall trailhead.