Lehigh Valley Greenways

Partner Reporting

Lehigh Valley Greenways - Partner Reporting

A short pencil is better than a long memory.

Help us record all the great accomplishments that you have completed!


Each December, all partner organizations are asked to report their top accomplishments from the year and top goals for the coming year that relate to the vision/goals of Lehigh Valley Greenways. Your 2023 accomplishments can be submitted on this form. Please complete before December 31, 2023 so we can let the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources know of the Lehigh Valley’s collective accomplishments by year’s end.

NOTE:  Don’t like the online forms?  We can email you a spreadsheet if that makes it easier  Contact Brit at

Here are links to the different reports to track metrics throughout the year.  Please select the type of completed project that you want to report. Report each project individually when it is completed.


Acres of Preserved Land – Where and how many acres were protected?

Acres of Environmental Restoration – How many acres restored?

Feet of Riparian Buffer Planted – For projects along streams.

Number of Trees Planted – For projects not along the streams.

Miles of Trail Opened – Document new trail sections opened for use this calendar year.

Miles of Trail Improved  – NEW

Park and Trail Amenities – NEW

People Engaged in Programs – Report the educational programs and events that you hold.

*If your organization holds too many events/educational programs to enter individually, here is an option to enter all the events/programs for an entire month – Monthly Education/Outreach Report