Lehigh Valley Greenways

Mini Grant Recipient Reporting

Lehigh Valley Greenways - Mini Grant Recipient Reporting
Congratulations!  You received a Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini Grant. Now it’s time to report your progress or seek your reimbursement. Here’s your resource guide where you can do that.

Grant Expiration Dates and Closeout Forms for Reimbursement

Please include Project Number when submitting forms listed below. 

  • If you are a 2024 grant recipient, (awarded June 2024 – C2P2-29-LVG-29._), your progress report will be due Friday, January 31, 2025. 

Mini Grant Close Out Instructions


Documentation Worksheets 1-4: (Do these before Attachment B and Attachment A) – Use these to document for final closeout the four types of services/supplies then the total from each sheet then gets entered at the bottom of Attachment B

  1. In-kind staff costs by grantee – document all grantee’s staff time with one line per staff member (attach timesheets or spreadsheets that list dates and hours of work). Portion of staff time may included as cash cost at top f Attachment B.
  2. Donated professional services – professional hours from partners that don’t require payment from the grantee (attach letter from each organization on their letterhead to document their donated time and value)
  3. Volunteer services – use the current independent sector volunteer rate for Pennsylvania ( anyone 18 years and older; PA minimum wage for anyone under 18  (The current PA minimum wage is $7.25/hr (applicable rate for <18 yo)). Volunteer rates for adults should correspond to state and year project work completed.
  4. Equipment use/Donated Supplies – for machine rates only, not operator hours OR for donated supplies not paid for

Attachment B: all cash expenses for labor or supplies should be in the top portion then the totals from the four in-kind spreadsheets at the bottom to total for the entire project cost to transfer to Attachment A, **more than 50% match is encouraged but not required.

Attachment A: serves as the cover sheet to document the grant amount, total match (broken into cash expenses and in-kind worksheets) and the grantee signature

Documentation (You must provide):

  • an invoice or receipt for each cash expense and please write on the invoice the amount paid, date paid, and check number or last 4 digits of credit card
  • grantee staff timesheets/spreadsheets listing dates and hours to support any amounts on the first in-kind worksheet
  • letters on donating professional organization letterhead to support any amounts on the second in-kind worksheet

LVG Mini-Grant Success Story: Use this template to submit the final report (text and photos). Or create, something similar if needed due to formatting issues.

Funding Acknowledgement: A picture of the funding acknowledgement site install at project site, on sign, or in publication should be included if applicable.

Email attachments to, as Word and Excel documents, respectively. Supporting documents can be emailed as PDFs/images/Word or Excel documents etc. Include Project Number in email subject line. Example: C2P2-26-LVG-26.03 Closeout.

To request a project extension, email Brit Kondravy at