Lehigh Valley Greenways

Miles of Trail Improved

Lehigh Valley Greenways - Miles of Trail Improved

Miles of existing trail improved

Report completed projects that IMPROVE EXISTING trail for public use. Projects should have completed in this calendar year.

  • Name of the trail for this project.
  • Record in miles to the nearest tenth of a mile.
  • Which county is the trail in?
  • Describe where is this section of trail?
  • Enter the starting latitude & longitude
  • Enter the ending latitude & longitude
  • When did work begin?
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • When was the trail back in public use?
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please share up to three photos of the new trail section.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • LIst any details known about the project - purpose of restoration, materials, improvements, etc.
    • List any partners that you worked with on this project
    • List the funding Sources
    • List the total cost for the project.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.