Lehigh Valley Greenways

Number of Trees Planted

Lehigh Valley Greenways - Number of Trees Planted

Number of trees planted

Report completed projects involving tree plantings not associated with riparian projects

  • What is an appropriate name/title for this project?
  • List the size and units. Preferably acres down to the tenth of an acre but for small projects, square feet is sufficient.
  • What county was the project in?
  • Where were the trees planted? Include a GPS lat/long.
  • List all species planted.
  • When were the plants put in the ground? If more than one day, put the last day of planting.
    MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • When was the project completed?
  • Add up to three favorite photos from this planting project.
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • List any partners that you worked with on this project
  • List the funding Sources
  • List the total cost for the project.