Lehigh Valley Greenways

LV Watersheds Illustrated Map Poster and Brochure Format Development – LVG 28.11

Lehigh Valley Greenways - LV Watersheds Illustrated Map Poster and Brochure Format Development – LVG 28.11

< Back to News RoomDecember 31st, 2024 |

This project developed seven poster-sized versions of the large scale story maps
for the Saucon Creek, Fry’s Run, Cooks Creek, Martins Jacoby, Bertsch
Hokendauqua Catasauqua, Little Lehigh,and Bushkill watersheds. These maps
will be printed for distribution, and will also be used to make smaller displays.
Additionally, a website was developed that showcases scalable online versions of
the maps, and logo-sized maps were also created for the groups to use for
branding. These story maps visually demonstrate the geography, important
features, and interesting plant and animal life of the Lehigh Valley’s watersheds.

Amount: $3200