Students saw the potential for Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) to be an ecological leader by transforming its landscape using sustainable principles. The College community wanted to adopt practices that promote pollinators and protect species by implementing wildflower gardens. One area is across from the LCCC library, the second area is near Rte. 309 consisting of invasive bushes and plants that needed removal, and a third area in the student parking lot has appropriate pollinator species, planted in 2017, but needed to be maintained with additional plantings, as well as the installation of picnic tables and a water feature. In the course of the Pollinator Expansion Project over 800 plants, plugs, as well as seeds were installed in 3 locations on the LCCC main campus. A solar fountain was installed to draw not only nature, but with the addition of two picnic tables community members to the pollinator garden site.