Lehigh Valley Greenways MINI GRANTS
Stimulus for collaborative action to implement ready-to-go conservation and outdoor recreation projects
Apply for a Mini GrantStimulus for collaborative action to implement ready-to-go conservation and outdoor recreation projects
Apply for a Mini GrantThe success of Lehigh Valley Greenways is based in large part on the effective working relationship between the state lead and funder, PA Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR), and local lead and administrative entity, Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor (DLNHC), and the network of partners from non-profit organizations, county and municipal government. This three-tiered approach, coordinated by DLNHC, allows partners to target funding, pool resources, and move projects forward.
Perhaps the most high profile contribution of the conservation landscape has been its awarding and administration of Lehigh Valley Greenways mini grants, which have spurred dozens of innovative projects across the region. From urban forestry initiatives and trail design to signage and technical publications, Lehigh Valley Greenways mini grants assist non-profits, municipalities, and educational institutions to accomplish a variety of projects to benefit residents of the Lehigh Valley.
The DLnhc and DCNR provide technical assistance to grantees throughout the process, helping our partners navigate reimbursements, make contact with state agencies, and implement sustainable policies. In short, we ensure that any project worth funding succeeds to the fullest extent possible and follows the highest standards for sustainability.
“The Conservation Landscape Initiative made a big difference here, it has brought funding and focus to a region that has a lot of potential and enabled us to develop that potential in a far shorter time period than we would be able to do otherwise.” – Jan Creedon, former Director of General Services for Lehigh County
Lehigh Valley Wide Projects
The stream reach had significant bank erosion and heavy siltation in the channel,
along with no riparian buffer and little instream habitat. LCCD and partners worked
together to install habitat enhancement structures, stabilize the banks, and restore
a native riparian buffer.
Amount: $10,000
The purpose of this project was to draft an updated Official Map for Bushkill
Township. This updated map would have more detail than the original, showing
land that has already been preserved and trails that have been installed
throughout the Township. The updated map will aid Bushkill Township in furthering
their land preservation efforts.
Amount: $1,800
This project organized group bike rides on local trails, many of which incorporated
mini-workshops for ride participants. The rides were geared to bring new people out
on the trails and as such offered: (1) beginner friendly routes, (2) routes that are
adjustable for varying abilities, (3) mini-workshops on trailside bike care/trail
etiquette/rules of the road. Rides took place approximately twice each week during
warm weather months (April-October), both mid-week in the evenings and on
weekend days, to permit as many people as possible to join.
Amount: $7,100
The Friends of Johnston transformed a stormwater flooded fallow farm
field into a beautiful wet meadow with marsh and trails. Our summer camp
students (aged 6- 14) built an observation dock, bird blind, boardwalk and
scientific investigation station. The students showed their knowledge with
interpretive signage about the marsh and the plants and animals that live
there. The area is now a wonderful addition to the nature education center
and new habitat for our animals.
Amount: $7,500
Phase I of improving and greening the drainage swale addresses the stormwater channel on both sides of the new concrete staircase. This project transformed the existing rock drainage channel into a green swale that includes grading, excavation, stabilizing check dam, sodding, perennial grasses and plugs, and native trees and shrubs.
Amount: $10,000
In PA, a changing climate means more heavy precipitation events and higher risk
of devastating stormwater runoff in urban communities. Nurture Nature Center
sought to provide more education on climate change adaptation and strategies to
the Easton community, focusing on green spaces and infrastructure to reduce
runoff. NNC redesigned its Urban Recycle Garden to better mitigate the impact of
heavy precipitation events and to serve as a demonstration site for effective
stormwater management. Interpretative signage educates about how native
species, rain barrels, and certain types of ground cover can manage increased
runoff. NNC held a virtual rain barrel workshop and distributed 50 kits to residents.
A virtual garden tour was created to showcase the community green spaces, such
as pocket parks, and community and backyard gardens, that are contributing to a
greener future in Easton.
Amount: $4,292
Plainfield Township includes dozens of inactive quarries, which are mostly former
slate quarries. A goal of this project was to promote returning former quarries to a
productive use, but in a way that makes sure that the activity occurs in an
environmentally safe manner that will protect groundwater, creeks and public
health. The Township will now require a zoning permit for use of purported clean
fill. As part of the permit, the owner of the property or the entity depositing the fill
would provide a written statement describing the sources of the material. For
larger fill operations, the Township has the authority to require periodic random
testing of the materials by an independent laboratory, as a condition of zoning
permit approval.
Amount: $10,000
The Watershed Coalition of the Lehigh Valley (WCLV) worked with project
partners to plant a demonstration multifunctional riparian buffer that also serves as
a nursery for harvesting live-stakes. Live-stakes are a low-cost option for planting
appropriate species in riparian buffer and wetland areas. In addition, the WCLV
worked with local partners to host live-stake training workshops and planting
events along the Monacocy Creek.
Amount: $3,500
The 25th annual Lehigh River Sojourn took place June 26-28th. A celebration of the
Lehigh River Water Trail and the D&L Trail, youth scholarships made these trails
more accessible to our community youth, providing a deeper connection to it.
Amount: $2,000
This project encompassed an initial riparian restoration of an unnamed tributary
that feeds into the Bushkill Creek, located in Lower Hackett Park. The addition of a
10-foot-high deer fence with double entry gates surrounding the Demonstration
Micro- Forest and the planting of 36 native trees on either side of the creek, an
expanded parking area and within the Micro-Forest. Interpretive signage along
with Identification tags for all trees and shrubs located within this newly protected
Amount: $7,500
Bushkill Township installed 3 French mattresses, corrugated stormwater pipe, and
a swale to regulate stormwater runoff and prevent the erosion of the 1-mile long
trail around the wildflower meadow at Ballas Preserve. After installation of the
stormwater best management practices (BMPs), a fresh trail surface of screenings
was added to improve all of the washout areas. Once the trail work was complete,
the washouts in the parking lot were repaired by spreading recycled, screened
blacktop millings as a new surface that will be stronger than the previously used
screenings. This will result in less washouts in the future.
Amount: $5,000
Lehigh Gap Nature Center’s (LGNC) interactive Native Sensory Garden
Trail welcomes visitors and LINK trail-users to experience native plants in a
completely new way. Planted alongside ADA-compliant trails, a variety of sensory friendly native plants are accompanied with informational signage, outdoor musical
instruments, “please touch” sensory panels, and a brochure. In addition to
fostering an appreciation of native plants among a broader audience, the Native
Sensory Garden Trail provides novel opportunities for self-guided learning and
exploration that is accessible to children and adults with special needs. The Trail
also serves as an inviting entryway to LGNC’s native habitat gardens.
Amount: $4,000
A Deluxe Public Bike Work Stand and educational signage was installed along the D&L trail at Sand Island in Bethlehem. This ADA-compliant designed stand contains tools that are securely attached by retractable braided stainless steel cables and includes an outdoor-ready bike pump with gauge and a wheel chock. The stand includes a vinyl decal indicating its use. The educational signage includes Lehigh River Watershed and Bike & Boat Adventures messages and funding information.
Amount: $1,900
The Friends of Johnston are studying the only known bog in Northampton County as part of a university study in hopes of the restoration of the unique habitat for wildlife, stormwater management and as a study site for citizen science bird banding and research for the nature center.
Amount: $9,500
Outdoor public spaces are important for quality of life, community well-being, and the environment, but gathering reliable information about these greenspaces can be challenging. Our project developed a trail counter data collection system for the Karl Stirner Arts Trail (KSAT) in Easton, Pennsylvania. We installed trail counters along the trail and developed a counter calibration system to improve count estimates. We also conducted a survey of trail users to learn more about use patterns and users’ perceptions and attitudes. The project yielded use estimates for July-December 2018, with over half of KSAT users residing in or near Easton.
The workshop offered local educators the opportunity to earn continuing education hours and learn about invasive species removal, identification and the threats they pose to the Lehigh Valley. Penn State Extension presented an introduction to invasive plants and insects; followed by fun, hands-on ways to keep their students engaged in the topic of invasive species. The PA Fish & Boat Commission then gave an informative lecture on the many aquatic invasive species affecting our watersheds. The group was then taken on an invasive plant identification tour of the Camel’s Hump Farm at the Johnston Estate and assisted with stilt grass removal.
Amount: $1,500
Students saw the potential for Lehigh Carbon Community College (LCCC) to be an ecological leader by transforming its landscape using sustainable principles. The College community wanted to adopt practices that promote pollinators and protect species by implementing wildflower gardens. One area is across from the LCCC library, the second area is near Rte. 309 consisting of invasive bushes and plants that needed removal, and a third area in the student parking lot has appropriate pollinator species, planted in 2017, but needed to be maintained with additional plantings, as well as the installation of picnic tables and a water feature. In the course of the Pollinator Expansion Project over 800 plants, plugs, as well as seeds were installed in 3 locations on the LCCC main campus. A solar fountain was installed to draw not only nature, but with the addition of two picnic tables community members to the pollinator garden site.
Opening the Slatington Trailhead Visitor Center made a bold statement to both the Northern Lehigh community and to area trail users that Slatington is a welcoming and trail-friendly town. The project involved staffing and maintaining the center for 26 weeks during the height of the summer/fall season and was done in partnership with the Venture Group, an organization comprised of Northern Lehigh area non-profit organizations that are committed to the success of the D & L Trail and the Slatington Trailhead.
Amount: $2,721.87
To expand the reach of Nurture Nature Center’s nature journal program and engage visitors outside in the local environment, 4 journaling benches were created at riverside locations for anyone to sit, reflect, journal, and positively experience the outdoors, including along the Lehigh River at Hugh Moore Park; the Delaware River at Scott Park, and the Bushkill Creek along the KSAT trail. Journaling benches were designed, built, painted, and installed at each site and include journaling instructions and supplies. 3 journaling workshops were held to introduce the benches and one workshop held in the fall introduced journaling to teachers.
Amount: $4,800
With the assistance of the Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini-Grant, Plainfield Township was able to create its first Official Map. On July 10, 2019, the Plainfield Township Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing and are set to take action to formally adopt the first Official Map of Plainfield Township. Creation of the Official Map will have been completed primarily by the Plainfield Township Environmental Advisory Council with help from Township administrative staff, the Township Engineer, and the Township Solicitor.
Amount: $5,000
The 2018 Lehigh Valley Master Watershed Steward Group Projects set out to tackle multiple problems within our region related to water quality protection and sustainable land use. The WCLV and the 2018 class of MWS volunteers installed a demonstration pollinator meadow at Trexler Nature Preserve, assisted with the design and implementation of a multifunctional riparian buffer at Hokendauqua Park in Whitehall Township, and constructed a series of monofilament fishing line collection stations throughout the Lehigh Valley.
Amount: $10,000
This project analyzed the existing composition of the riparian corridor along Lehigh Valley streams, identifying gaps in riparian buffer coverage. From this analysis, Wildlands created an online interactive map showing the gaps in buffer coverage, or “opportunity areas,” for the entirety of the Lehigh Valley regional stream network. This map is intended to help guide conservation organizations working on riparian buffer restoration throughout the Lehigh Valley. Wildlands used the analysis to identify and implement a pilot riparian buffer planting project at Saucon Park in Bethlehem.
Amount: $6,000
Wildlands Conservancy developed new interpretive signage and graphics to help tell the story of the Jordan Creek Greenway, a regional conservation initiative throughout Lehigh County. This project also produced an updated Jordan Creek Greenway logo and helped to purchase ADA site amenities for a new trailhead along the Jordan Creek Greenway in Whitehall Township. All logos and signage are now available as images for future use along the Greenway and establish a guide for interpretive information related to the Greenway.
Amount: $5,000
Since 2012, Lehigh Gap Nature Center’s Color of Nature initiative has trained and employed students from the Lehigh Valley’s diverse, urban communities to be conservation leaders. Through partnerships, Color of Nature interns lead bilingual education and recreation programs and assist with conservation projects throughout the region. As the Color of Nature initiative has grown and matured over the past several years, LGNC has identified the need to train new leaders and to formalize the program. Lehigh Valley Greenways funding has allowed LGNC to train four new interns, create program branding, and assemble internship training kits.
Amount: $5,000
In 2018, the Delaware River Sojourn continued its focus on engaging youth organizations in the Lehigh Valley by expanding our scholarships for youth participation. The Delaware River Sojourn hosted 8 days of paddling in 2018, providing scholarships to 65 youth and 13 leaders made possible thanks to the funding provided by the Lehigh Valley Greenways program. In 2018, the Sojourn celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Wild & Scenic River Act, expanded partnerships with more agencies and non-profit organizations, and notably welcomed PA DCNR Secretary Cindy Dunn to join us on the river and for remarks for a new trail system opened in Upper Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.
Amount: $2,250
Bushkill Township planted a rain garden on the 90-acre Ballas Tract, which is located off of Kromer Road, in the Spring of 2019. This property has experienced runoff and erosion issues soon after the completion of the parking lot. This was due to sheet flow coming off the upper end of the parking lot and the mowed lawn area above the parking lot.
The planting of native plants and grasses in the rain garden increases the species diversity of the area while providing cold clean water to Sobers Run. The rain garden is allowing stormwater runoff to infiltrate into the ground where it is filtered and cooled before entering a tributary of Sobers Run. This project serves to educate the local community and park visitors about rain gardens and how stormwater Best Management Practices can effectively operate if installed correctly.
Amount: $1,195
Community Bike Works teaches life lessons through bicycles to the students of Allentown and the Lehigh Valley who could benefit most. With support from Lehigh Valley Greenways, Community Bike Works collaborated with the Lehigh Gap Nature Center and other conservation partners to provide hands-on environmental education to our students. Through Make the Trail, students were introduced to local natural resources and conservation career opportunities, while spending time with role models of color.
Green Building United hosted an all-day workshop for educators, administrations, and facilities personnel to promote sustainability initiatives in schools. The workshop educated attendees about opportunities to create energy-efficient and healthier classrooms and schools while decreasing their environmental impact. Topics included (1) incorporating sustainable building features into classroom curriculum (led by Broughal Middle School teachers), (2) using the Project Learning Tree School Site Investigation to introduce the hands-on, student-driven Green Schools program that emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Jacobsburg), (3) exploring PPL’s energy efficiency program for schools (led by CLEAResult), and (4) explaining the designation and importance of selecting green cleaning products that are safer for schools and the environment (led by the EPA.) Through learning and relationship building, the workshop was an effective way to develop sustainability partnership opportunities in schools throughout the region.
LCCD worked with PA Fish and Boat Commission and Wildlands Conservancy to produce a design and complete the permit and erosion and sediment control plan for a stream stabilization project in the Leibert Creek Watershed. Implementation for the project is planned to begin in 2019, pending funding. The project will involve the installation of 25 fish habitat structures that will also stabilize the streambanks and establish a native riparian buffer to reduce nonpoint source pollution and further protect the streambank.
Amount: $2,000
Throughout the summer of 2017, Lehigh Gap Nature Center (LGNC) partnered with Wildlands Conservancy and Northeast PA Kayak School to provide hands-on watershed education experiences for youth and families on the Lehigh River Watershed. The highlights of this initiative were a five-day River Camp attended by 20 youth, plus three Lehigh Gap Bike and Boat adventures for families. All programs sought to foster an appreciation for the Lehigh River – and the rich natural and cultural history it supports – through engaging land and water-based explorations. As part of this initiative, LGNC also enhanced its trailside watershed engagement display to better inform trail users on the watershed.
Amount: $4,000
Members of the Ironton Rail-Trail Commission, in order to better meet the needs of walkers, joggers and cyclists, decided to install 2 Pedestrian/Cyclists Trail counters to assess the usage by location, direction, and count over time.
Amount: $5,000
Trails are a perfect opportunity to develop interest in the local environment and community. Nurture Nature Center, with the Karl Stirner Arts Trail (KSAT) Board, developed an educational science and art app as an interactive way to engage visitors along the KSAT that runs along the Bushkill Creek to downtown Easton. The free app displays information on art pieces along the trail, the Bushkill Creek, native plants, and local history.
Amount: $5,000
In 2017, the Delaware River Sojourn increased its focus on engaging youth organizations in the Lehigh Valley by expanding our scholarships, which offset the program expense of the Sojourn. The Delaware River Sojourn hosted 7 days of paddling in 2017, welcoming more participants on the river than in any other previous year
Amount: $3,000
The Friends of Johnston are working on the restoration of 44 acres of preserved fallow farmland. The property will serve as part of the Johnston Estate Park complex and nature center. Stormwater is a major concern on the property causing erosion, sedimentation, deforestation and flooding. In order to protect the HQ-CWF Monocacy Creek we are developing a plan for an engineered marshland and bioswale. We also planted a warm season grass meadow and riparian buffer study plots for environmental study and reforestation
Amount: $10,000
With the assistance of the Lehigh Valley Greenways Mini-Grant, Upper Nazareth Township was able to successfully complete its first ever Official Map!
Awarded: $5,000
Over 160 participants attended the 7th Lehigh Valley Watershed Conference, which featured 19 talks on a wide variety of water and natural resource topics. A track on MS-4 management and two invasive species workshops were conference highlights.
Amount: $5,000
The project included preservation of the West #1 kiln, new aesthetically pleasing security fence and new educational signage.
Amount: $426.23
The project site was located in Lowhill Township on State Game Lands 205. Earthen dams obstructed headwater springs and tributaries to the Jordan Creek. The three impoundments created by dams were warm, sediment laden water, dense with algae and impairing water quality and wildlife habitat. Wildlands Conservancy partnered with Pa Game Commission to remove the dams and restore coldwater springs and wetlands, address nonpoint source pollution in the Jordan Creek and enhance wildlife habitat.
Amount: $9.500
The Valley Mountain Bikers procured new way finding blazes for the multi-use trail system at Salisbury Walking Purchase Park using grant money awarded by the Lehigh Valley Greenways. The new blazes were installed in Spring of 2018 and replace old blazes which were not adequate to distinguish different trails at the system, especially for new users of the park.
Amount: $716
Activating Bethlehem’s South Side Greenway involved multiple pop-up projects designed to both beautify and increase residents’ and visitors’ use of the South Side Greenway. These projects included a pop-up parklet, transforming a parking spot adjacent to the Greenway into a seating area with a free library and sand garden, and pop-up murals painted by local artists during the Spring on the South Side festival. This was a collaborative effort involving Lehigh University students and faculty, Banana Factory staff, and representatives from the city’s Department of Community and Economic Development and the SouthSide Arts District.
Amount: $3,000
In 2017, the City of Easton completed a complete rehabilitation of Hugh Moore Park. This signage grant was able to add “You are Here” map signs and a variety of directional signage to assist park visitors in locating the various amenities throughout the park including the National Canal Museum, the Josiah White Canal Boat, dog park, playground, and bicycle park.
Amount: $928.20
The goal of our River Snorkeling Program is to provide a unique perspective of the ecology of the Lehigh River water trail to students and families of the Lehigh Valley. Most people are awed at the incredible diversity of fauna that is found by experiencing the full depth of the water column.
With the river snorkeling program, we are able to create outdoor recreation and trail connections, provide local education and outreach, and promote the region’s water trails in order to increase appreciation of natural resources.
Amount: $3,500
The Two Rivers Trailway is a beautiful and scenic 30-mile network of multi-use trails located in Northampton County, PA. This project involved the development of a logo and tagline as well as the installation of wayfinding and map signage along the entire corridor.
Amount: $5,000
The project replaced a 60-foot diameter compacted lawn with a multipurpose stormwater bioretention area on the Lafayette College campus. The project serves to (1) reduce runoff to Bushkill Creek from campus, (2) provide pollinator habitat through the use of native plants and shrubs, (3) incorporate signage to educate the college community about stormwater runoff and pollinator decline, and (4) provide a site for student research on green infrastructure and local ecology.
Amount: $2,300
For many years, the D&L Trail running through Bethlehem Township along the Lehigh River has been one of the community’s “best kept secrets” The tree covered path adjacent to the river has long been a haven for those seeking rest and respite from other bustling parts of the community. Township Officials were determined to give the community’s “4th Corridor” the reception it deserved by providing proper signage, fencing and other amenities to serve its many users.
Amount: $7,500
In 2016, the City of Easton constructed Phase I of a bicycle park located in Hugh Moore Park near the National Canal Museum. This initial phase of the project was aimed at helping riders of all ages develop better skills by navigating a course of built features. Phase II of the project, which was funded in part through this mini-grant, was for a bicycle playground component designed for younger riders age 3-10 yrs. The playground was completed in July 2018 and has been an extremely popular family destination which includes a winding course filled with fun features such as tunnels and an obstacle course of large concrete traffic cons. The City is planning to construct a third phase of the bicycle park in 2020 which will be geared to more experienced riders that are able to navigate more aggressive types of features.
Amount: $5,000
Lehigh County partnered with Wildlands Conservancy to improve educational signage and messaging, and implement best management practices at the 1,108-acre Trexler Nature Preserve.
Amount: $7,459.46
The main purpose of this project is a multilateral one, the creation of an outdoor educational classroom that provides a visual tool for elementary age children, and a mini eco-system for wildlife and insect life providing them with a pollinator rich location/stop over for bees and butterflies and additional habitat for the life processes of these species. It will also provide local bird and small mammal forage and habitat through the winter months.
Amount: $3,500
Our food truck festival celebrated the beauty of the great outdoors across the Lehigh Valley. This inaugural event took place on Saturday, July 28, 2018 with the theme of “Everything Outdoors.” The free festival featured over 20 vendors, 5 food trucks and had a steady flow of participants all day! The event was a true success and furthered our goal of encouraging the community to celebrate the outdoors. Northern Lehigh is the perfect spot for outdoor enthusiasts as it contains the D&L Trail, the Appalachian Trail, the Lehigh River trail, the Slate Heritage Trail, and has an array of parks and open space. It was great having a variety of vendors such as the local Lehigh Gap Nature Center to nationally known LL Bean.
Amount: $1,500
The Northampton County 4-H Program is working to expand youth outreach to Northampton County’s Urban Centers using environmental science curriculum. Throughout 2016 and 2017, the program collaborated with the Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley (CACLV) to bring 4-H Environmental Science projects to the youth located in the West Ward of Easton.
Amount: $1,350.80
Nurture Nature Center, a science-based community center in Easton, PA, installed a new interactive exhibit to teach watershed science. The Interactive Watershed Exhibit is an augmented reality sandbox that allows visitors to modify a sand landscape and use their hands to create rain.
Amount: $2,395.00
This year’s Master Watershed projects include rain garden design and installation in Plainfield Township, Pen Argyl Borough, and Upper Saucon Township buildings, an education display at Illick’s Mill in Bethlehem, and a green roof table top display for educational events.
Amount: $10,000
This grant introduced Allen High School students to hands-on environmental monitoring techniques in local ecosystems, through analysis of stream macroinvertebrates, bird banding, and native plantings. Activities combined classroom information, informational videos to prepare the students for their field trip activities, and follow-up in-class and online work to allow them to analyze the data they collected.
Amount: $8,000
The purpose of the Stewardship and Access Plan is to provide guidance to the Township Board of Supervisors for the sound management of the Township’s Appalachian Park and its natural resources. The goal is to increase the conservation value of the property while providing increased passive recreational opportunities and a venue for learning through educational programs and research.
Amount: $4,006.54
Students in the Environmental Club at Roberto Clemente Charter School designed and implemented a riparian restoration project in Allentown’s Fountain Park. Students mapped the restoration area, selected the plants, and planted them.
Amount: $1,976
Bushkill Township planted a 35 acre native grass and wildflower meadow on the 90 acre Ballas Tract in the spring of 2017. The parcel contains an existing fishing pond and a one mile perimeter trail which can be used for active and passive recreation.
Amount: $3,500
Upper Saucon Township was looking to upgrade the signage package and wayfinding at the Upper Saucon Township Community Park. The Park, on Preston Lane, was completed in the 1990s. It is currently the only park in Upper Saucon Township, and sees heavy use. With ten playing fields, it serves as the home field for field for three Southern Lehigh sports organizations. Additionally, the Upper Saucon Township Community Park houses the Southern Lehigh Public Library, and serves as a trailhead for the Saucon Rail Trail for trail users going north to Hellertown Borough or south to Coopersburg Borough.
Awarded: $2,776.44
We developed a two-part teacher workshop program to promote the use. of schoolyard gardens. Part one of the workshop included the rationale and educational uses for a schoolyard garden. Part two instructed the teachers in designing, planting, and maintaining their own schoolyard garden. Each teacher received $150 worth of plants from Edge of the Woods Nursery.
Amount: $2,015
The Color of Nature program trains conservation leaders from communities of color to serve as role models and lead nature programs. This grant helped expand the program with two environmental mini day camps, 20 park programs, 64 after school club programs, and 12 summer school programs for Allentown youth.
Amount: $5,000
Over 250 watershed stakeholders came together on October 13, 2015 at Lehigh University to engage with speakers on a variety of water resource topics from green infrastructure to amphibian ecology to riparian buffers and drinking water. New this year were a landscape track for professionals and a student networking session.
Amount: $5,000
Bushkill Township targeted 150 feet of severely impacted Sober’s Run streambank for restoration. They installed natural boulders and two rock vane deflectors in an effort to stop erosion of the streambank and stabilized the upper streambanks with native vegetation.
Award: $7,500
During the second year of the program, LGNC continued to fund well-designed native plant landscaping projects that benefit the local wildlife and ecosystems, while at the same time offering a healthier, attractive landscaping alternative for residents and communities. They also developed a pocket buyer’s guide for native plants and organized five native plant workshops.
Amount: $18,000
This grant was crucial to installing a raised deck observation/teaching area and 750 feet of connecting trail to link the barn and parking area with the observation deck, wetlands and native plant area.
Amount: $12,500
This project created a summary of the 2014 Lehigh Valley Return on Environment report. Outreach was provided to municipalities and the general public through presentations, yard signs, factsheet handouts, and full copies of the report.
Monocacy Creek is a High Quality Coldwater Fishery and a Class A wild trout stream, but a run-of-the-river dam was degrading habitat, water quality and obscuring fish passage. Dams were removed to restore natural flow and wildlife habitat while reducing flooding and erosion. To further improve stream conditions and habitat, a native riparian buffer was planted along both sides of the stream.
Amount: $12,500
The project entailed constructing a trail extension along the eastern boundary of the Township municipal complex to a proposed trail head location with its own parking area. The extension joined the original rail trail and a link constructed by the Township.
Amount: $12,500
The Keystone Active Zone (KAZ) Passport encourages people to get outside and active at close-to-home parks, trails, and outdoor events, highlighting the D&L Trail and anthracite heritage. In 2014, the passport’s focus on the D&L Trail promoted existing trail miles and the future trail extension through bicycle rides and walks attracting nearly 3,000 attendees.
This grant funded part of the training for a class of 18 Master Watershed Stewards that will continue as knowledgeable volunteers that can reach out to the adult and school-age population to encourage stewardship and educate the community to increase the health of the Lehigh River watershed.
Amount: $5,000
The Mill Street Crossing project enhanced the visibility and connection of the Delaware River, Bristol Marsh, Delaware Canal and Towpath (D&L Trail) and location of historic railroad and trolley line crossings. An abandoned corner property was spruced up with signs, pervious pathways for pedestrian connections, and native plants for beautification and ecological restoration.
Amount: $5,000
The Color of Nature program trains conservation leaders from communities of color to serve as role models and lead nature programs. This grant helped recruit and train two additional leaders and fund 25 summer park programs, 7 school ecology club programs, and 4 family oriented nature walks.
Amount: $5,000
“Heritage Conservancy developed a wetland ecosystem teaching guide to supplement their established experiential-learning education program at Bristol Marsh. Initially, 300 Bristol Marsh: Learning Beyond the Classroom guides were printed and distributed to 48 schools with digital copies available.
Amount: $5,000
Download Teachers Guide | Bristol Marsh Nature Preserve Virtual Tour
Throughout the Lehigh Valley, the 2014 class of Master Watershed Stewards installed three rain gardens, eight educational signs, and 150 feet of riparian buffer at the Atlas Dam removal site, as well as, creating two educational displays on groundwater and aquaponics.
Amount: $10,000
Wilkes-Barre Family YMCA worked with partners to gather trail use data with three trail counter devices installed along the D&L Trail and a paper survey to collect trail economic impact data. Results showed the Lehigh Tannery trail section had the highest number of users reaching over 1,000 users/week in the spring.
Amount: $3,310
Upper Saucon Township, with Wildlands Conservancy as a consultant, identified parcels along South Mountain that could provide access points and additional acreage to South Mountain Preserve. Wildlands performed landowner outreach, successfully made contact with approximately half the property owners, and a 4.2 acre parcel was acquired.
Amount: $5,000
This program aims to educate the public about the benefits of using native plants in residential landscaping. The first year focused on installing educational native plant gardens and signs at public locations and hosting three native plant workshops.
Amount: $15,000
Borough of Hellertown planted native trees, shrubs, and groundcover to re-vegetate the bank of Saucon Creek through Water Street Park and create rain gardens in accordance with the 2013 master park plan.
Amount: $20,000
This grant helped fund the completion of Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan review, Phase I Archeological Survey report, and securing NPDES permits to prepare for constructing 1.9 miles of Jordan Creek Greenway west of Covered Bridge Park in South Whitehall Township.
Amount: $20,000
Working with local and regional stakeholders, PA Environmental Council (PEC) devised a plan to solve the Morrisville Borough Bridge Street crossing along the D&L Trail. The feasibility study will guide the implementation and construction to create a safer road crossing and connect the trail.
Amount: $10,000
Wildlands Conservancy developed and facilitated six experimental environmental education activities, presented 51 in-school programs, and led 2 clean-ups in Lechauweki Park with Bethlehem Area School District’s Fountain Hill Elementary School.
Amount: $5,000
Lehigh Valley Adventure Camp Phase V was held June 17-21, 2013 offering a free, weeklong outdoor camp for 16 teenagers from Southside Bethlehem incorporating environmental, cultural and historical activities
Amount: $5,000
Lehigh Gap Nature Center hosted the Kittatinny Science and Research Summit II focused on “closing the gaps” in research and monitoring data that is critical to conservation. A variety of state officials, universities and non-profit conservation partners were among the 65 attendees.
Amount: $3,000
The Conservation Diversity Initiative was launched to help connect people of color with nature by training conservation leaders to build capacity within communities of color to lead nature programs. This grant helped recruit and train 8 leaders for bilingual family nature walks and environmental education programs at local parks.
Amount: $5,000
Lehigh Valley Adventure Camp Phase IV was held June 18-22, 2012 offering a free, weeklong outdoor camp with meaningful outdoor recreation activities for 15 campers from Bethlehem incorporating environmental, cultural and historical activities.
Amount: $5,000
D&L made updates to the Lehigh Valley Greenways page on their website to accept applications for Lehigh Valley Greenways mini-grants through the website.
Amount: $2,000
Lehigh Gap Nature Center hosted the first Kittatinny Science Summit focused on identifying researchers working in the Kittatinny Corridor, connecting researchers for collaboration, and identifying gaps in the data and research.
Amount: $1,000
In order to document the economic impacts of the South Bethlehem Greenway, the City of Bethlehem collaborated with the Lehigh University Social Science Research Center to conduct a Southside Greenway Utilization Report. This report was compiled through partnership with Liberty High School students conducting surveys of Greenway users. This information is intended to be a baseline to monitor the Greenway’s expanding impact over time.
Amount: $4,771
The Hugh Moore Park bike trail is a significant connection between Delaware Canal State Park and Hugh Moore Park. This trail was significantly deteriorated and the existing blacktop bike path required resurfacing. This section of trail reaches from the South 3rd Street Bridge to the Abbot Street Lock.
Amount: $20,000
Bushkill Township completed a streambank restoration along 150 feet of severely eroded bank along Sober’s Run in the northern portion of Jacobsburg State Park.
Amount: $7,000
Heritage Conservancy and Bushkill Township met with landowners and provided a series of workshops with information about the economic, recreation, health and education benefits of trails with an end goal of finding a potential route for connecting Jacobsburg State Park to the Blue Mountain.
Amount: $5,000
The D&L Trail: Weissport Trailhead was releveled and improved with new asphalt parking lot surface to eliminate standing water, potholes and drainage issues and make it safer and easier to access the parking and D&L Trail.
Amount: $4,000
The Borough of Lehighton developed a trailhead along the D&L Trail on land donated by the Lehighton Sewer Authority. The project added ADA parking, interpretive and directional signs, and a pavilion.
Amount: $20,000
This project involved restoration of the Bushkill Creek streambank and riparian buffer. A popular area for fishing, hiking and biking (known locally as the “Penny Hole”), the restoration of a riparian buffer resulted in beneficial environmental impacts as well as improving the aesthetic value of the Creek. By removing existing gabion baskets and installing flow deflectors, stabilizing the streambank allowed to riparian buffer to reestablish itself to assist in recuperating the health of Bushkill Creek.
Amount: $11,160
The Lehigh Valley Planning Commission released updated model floodplain regulations in advance of Northampton County communities receiving new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) in the summer of 2014. These model regulations serve as a guide to inform municipalities that may be required to change floodplain management ordinances.
Amount: $15,000
The City of Bethlehem has worked to develop a modern urban forestry management plan and to expand programs aimed at community involvement, education and outreach. Hiring of a full-time Urban Forester assisted in achieving goals such as regulation changes, tree inventories, and street improvement projects.
Amount: $15,000
The main pedestrian connection from downtown Easton to the Lachenour Heights neighborhood, Smith Street Hill faced continued soil erosion issues that threatened pedestrian and traffic safety. The installation of an urban meadow utilizing native grasses and wildflowers has served to stabilize the steep bank as well as create an attractive landscape that both improves aesthetic value and limits ongoing maintenance costs to the City.
Amount: $11,900
The Kittatinny Ridge lies between two conservation landscapes and within multiple townships and municipalities. Because of this, it often gets overlooked in conservation measures. Because the Lehigh Gap Nature Center considers protection of the Kittatinny Ridge as part of its mission, workshops and educational events were held in collaboration with Moravian College in order to educate at the grassroots level. These events highlighted the importance of this resource and conservation in the face of many threats.
Amount: $5,000
The Jordan Creek Greenway EnviroMentor program was developed in order to enable high school students, especially those involved in environmental studies or environmental clubs, to work with elementary and middle school students with similar interests. Throughout this program, students from Allentown Central Catholic High School and Parkland High School were presented with programs about the ecology of the Jordan Creek Greenway, which was then shared in presentations with mentored elementary school students.
Amount: $5,000
The South Mountain Nature Preserve is part of the federally designated and county recognized Pennsylvania Highlands. Conservation of the Highlands is a priority in order to preserve the cultural and ecological quality of this region. The Wildlands Conservancy worked to add approximately 300 acres to its South Mountain Preserve, proceeding with landowner outreach and site analysis.
Amount: $5,000
Conservation of both the Minsi Lake Landscape and the Kittatinny Ridge are priorities throughout the Lehigh Valley. The Northampton County Parks 2002 Plan cites the Greater Minsi Lake Corridor as an important ecological corridor and recommended its further protection. The Nature Conservancy worked to ensure conservation of this resource by working with landowners to acquire parcels, providing technical expertise and hosting guided outings and educational events with local partners.
Amount: $5,000
The Lower Mount Bethel Township Fitness Trail was developed along the Lower
Meadow Trail at LMBT Welcome Center located in the village of Riverton. The
fitness trail includes nine stations with instructions for three exercises at each
station. The stations are warm-up, chin-up, sit-up, push-up, inclined body curl,
balance beam, hip rotation, leg lift, and cool down. Each station is constructed of
heavy gauge steel with rubberized low maintenance paint. The stations are
located just off a crushed stone path circling the Lower Meadow and provide views
of the Delaware River, wetland, and wooded areas.
Amount: $5,000