Lehigh Valley Greenways

About Lehigh Valley Greenways

Lehigh Valley Greenways - About Lehigh Valley Greenways

Uniting Lehigh Valley through Nature

Created in 2004, Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape is a proactive, partnership approach to regional landscape conservation in Lehigh and Northampton counties. Our diverse group of partners work together to enrich the quality of life of the Lehigh Valley citizens and visitors by providing ribbons of green throughout the two-county, densely populated area to help keep communities vibrant and connected with hundreds of miles of trails and greenway corridors. The 2024-2025 Partnership Action Plan will give you a glimpse into some of the work we have planned for the year.

“We installed demonstration meadows and we’ve learned from our municipal park’s crews and they’ve learned from us about how to make a more sustainable landscape work on the ground.”

Kate Brandes, Bushkill Stream Conservancy

Our Vision

The vision of the Lehigh Valley Greenways Conservation Landscape is that Lehigh Valley communities are linked to greenways, trails, and outdoor experiences resulting in stronger local economies and improved public health, green infrastructure, and natural resources.

Our Goals

Four goals help the partnership work toward the vision:

Land Conservation and Restoration

Conserve critical landscapes, restore degraded habitats and buffered stream corridors, and promote best management practices

Outdoor Recreation & Trail Connections

Connect people to greenway and trail opportunities to promote healthy living, recreation, and the region’s green assets

Community Revitalization

Support community revitalization through green infrastructure that enhances the quality of life

Local Education & Outreach

Promote understanding of our natural environment and its benefits to our communities

“The Conservation Landscape has made a big difference here. It has brought funding and focus to a region that has a lot of potential and enabled us to develop that potential in a far shorter time period than we would be able to do otherwise”

Jan Creedon, Former Director of General Services, Lehigh County